
This seminar is organized by a group of PhD students in Dynamical Systems from the Barcelona Area.

We organize two different type of activities:

  • Presentation talks: we invite the different members of the Chaotic Seminar group to give an informal presentation about their actual line of research

  • Courses: consist on a collection of lectures which are imparted by the members of the Chaotic Seminar.

The lectures are public and everyone interested is very welcome.

Current Talk


Location: IMUB

Time: 11:45 – 13:00

Duration: 30 of April || 7-14-21 of May

  1. SESSION 1 (Robert Florido) [notes]
    • The subadditive ergodic theorem (Krerley and Viana, Subsec 3.3)
    • Oseledets’s Theorem (Pollicott, Subsec 2.3)

  2. SESSION 2 (Gustavo R. Ferreira) [notes]
    • Hyperbolic measures: definition, measures with the same Lyapunov exponent (Pollicott, Subsec 4.6)
    • Pesin sets: definition, existence (Pollicott, Chapter 4)

  3. SESSION 3 (Gustavo R. Ferreira) [notes]
    • Pesin stable manifold theorem (Pollicott, Section 7.1)
    • Applications: Katok’s closing lemma (Pollicott, Sections 5.2 to 5.5), ergodic decomposition (Pollicott, Section 7.4), and (time allowing) the Pesin-Ruelle inequality (Pollicott, Chapter 3)

  4. SESSION 4 (Anna Jové) [notes]
    • Pesin’s Theory in a conformal setting (Urbanski-Roy-Munday, 28.3)
