
This seminar is organized by a group of PhD students in Dynamical Systems from the Barcelona Area.

We organize two different type of activities:

  • Presentation talks: we invite the different members of the Chaotic Seminar group to give an informal presentation about their actual line of research

  • Courses: consist on a collection of lectures which are imparted by the members of the Chaotic Seminar.

The lectures are public and everyone interested is very welcome.

Current Talk

Sequence spaces for the radii polynomial method

Rafael Martínez

Friday February 7h, 16:00

Room B1, UB

Current Course

Working seminar on Computer Assisted Proofs

During the following sessions we will work on the paper

Rigorous Numerics for Analytic Solutions of Differential Equations: The Radii Polynomial Approach

Authors: Allan Hungria, Jean-Philippe Lessard and J. D. Mireles James


The first two sessions will be dedicated to introducing interval arithmetic and fixed point theorems in the context of computer assisted proofs. For these introductory sessions, we will follow the following references:

  • Tucker, W. (2011). Validated Numerics: A Short Introduction to Rigorous Computations. Princeton University Press.
  • Van Den Berg, J. B., & Lessard, J. P. (2015). Rigorous numerics in dynamics. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 62(9), 1057–1061.


If you want to contact us via mail, you can write at

chaotic-seminar [at]